Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Friday, December 18, 2015

Electric Leaves

The Rogue Speaks:

It has been quite a while since I have written any "flash fiction," a short story of 1000 words or less.  I used to write these short fictional stories when Jenny was sponsoring our beloved Saturday Centus. The following is one I wrote one autumn afternoon:

Electric Leaves
The lake is calm now
in the smoky sunlight
of an October afternoon.
Electric leaves on the sourwoods
 glow fiery red above us
with a solar power,
and the faded quilt is
cool now, and damp from
our love-making.
The sourwoods
are the first to turn in autumn,
and you will be the first
to go away, like those electric leaves
that fall and wither
when winter comes;
but the fiery red glow
of that autumn afternoon
will live forever
in my heart.
Now, head on over to Jenny's Warm Heart Wednesday and read more offerings.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

I Love Your Memories

The Rogue Speaks:

I know that many of you have seen this photo in a past post, but this warms my heart more than any other I can think of.

The night this was taken, we were sitting with Mum in her room--Rod and I and Rod's brother Alan and his wife Jill.  We knew that the end was near, and wanted to spend as much time as we could with her.  For quite a while, Mum seemed to be gazing up into a corner of the room.  Finally, Jill asked Mum if she was thinking about her home, Edmonton.  Mum nodded that she was.  Rod got up and stood by her and began telling her stories that he remembered about her family, and about things that happened in Edmonton when he was a little boy.  Her eyes never left his face.

"I love your memories," she said.  She died two nights later.