Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Argh? What's an argh?

The Rogue Speaks:

Many of you may not know that Jenny Matlock, Off On My Tangent, is actually a friend of mine, and not just a blogging friend ("not that there's anything wrong with that!").  She has gone above and beyond the calling of friendship, and has made my life measurably better during the time that I have known her.  Her's are the only memes that I respond to, even when they seem a little out of my realm.  I can always come up with something, however vague, when her Saturday Centus doesn't actually grab me by the throat and the words don't actually fall out of my fingers and onto the page.  This is one of those times.  The prompt this Saturday is "Argh, matey!"  I have 100 words, in addition to the prompt, to provide you with a little vignette.  Here is my offering:

How Rod Spent Saturday

"First we have to remove  the pine straw from around these little plants."

"But I thought you wanted it there."

"I never said that."

"Argh, Matey."

"Then we have to dig up the plants, scoop out a big hole, throw out the sand, and put in good garden soil.  Then we put the plants back."

"But that's a lot of work!"

"Start digging."

"Argh, Matey."

"You're getting the sand on our lawn!  It'll kill the grass!"

"Well where should I put it??"

"Put it in that plastic container, then dump it in the vacant lot!"

"Argh, Matey."


"Argh, Matey." 


21 Wits said...

You always bring a gigantic smile to my face when I see you've posted! Just like day after day when I don't see any posts from you- I imagine you're swinging a golf club, or scavenging the beach for super-shells, or perhaps just being a good pirate while the captain sends out his orders! Ha! Ha! SO GOOD to see you Judie! Great gads a bravo centus today!

Viki said...

I love what you did with this prompt. I wouldn't be the one though helping out with the plants, lol.

Esther Joy said...

I saw your comment as I posted on a blog, and just wanted to say Hi! No political stuff on your post this time, eh?!!

Tgoette said...

This was really cute, Judie! I can so see you saying that! LOL! Great job!

Eden House News and views said...

Aargh Matey that was a goodn

Pondside said...

You're definitely a Good Sport....and I'm not surprised that you and Jenny are friends - two of my favourite bloggers.

JJ said...

Hmmm. Say hi to Rod for me.

Judie said...

I will do that when he recovers from transplanting all those little plants and getting the sand off the grass!! Hahahaha!

Jenny said...

Awww Judie!

You are so darned sweet!

Thank you for the lovely words!

And for sharing this totally funny little story.

I can actually see your husband's face in the telling of this!

Hope things are getting better for you...inch by inch!


Annesphamily said...

I am just smiling!