Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Girls' Game Night - How one elderly woman spent New Year's Eve

The Rogue Speaks:

I left Rod in front of the t.v. with a steaming bowl of something that I created from the last of the standing rib roast we had for Christmas dinner, some onions, peas, carrots, some wild rice, a little sherry, and the last of the gravy. When I clean a cooked roast, there's nothing left but very clean bones, so I hope he didn't mind a little gristle in that stuff. I kissed him good bye and headed for my BFA's house (Best Friend Artist) for Girls' Game Night. Di's sister, Devon, has a friend in Phoenix who always comes down to join us for these grand affairs.

When I arrived, the table was already laid in great holiday fashion:

Yes, that is Frida Kalo by the curio case, and she's a chair, but we don't sit on her out of respect for her divine talent.

First, we had a little pre-game game that Diane created. It was loads of fun, but I can't tell you what it is because you might try to steal the idea and make a bunch of money on it. Let me just say that there was a LOT of off-key singing, and some pants-wetting laughter. A die that we're sure was loaded was involved as well.

Di's sister, Devon, either laughing or singing, or BOTH!

Linda, giving us a task/clue.

Di, thinking and singing at the same time. She's really clever that way!!

Time for one more drink before dinner. Diane ADORES bacon, so in case you can't read that label, it's BACON FLAVORED vodka! BLECH! and BLECH again! Not for me, sister!!!

I was too busy eating fondue to take any photos during dinner. That game made me soooo hungry!! After dinner, we went outside to light a paper lantern and watch it fly up into the night sky, but that's a post for another day!

Be sure to head on over to Jenny's blog, and read the other assignments for Alphabe-Thursday. This post took me so long to compose that I am ready for a NAP!


My name is Riet said...

That must have been lots of fun. Great G words

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

What a lovely way to spend the night, with a bunch of great gals!

21 Wits said...

Wow you did celebrate greatly, in such a holiday spirit of girls getting toGETHER for what is always...a really grand old was it a sleep over too...with popcorn and a movie fest...and followed by bacon flavored vodka goodness???? It beats driving home .... ! ;)

Judie said...

Karen, there is no way I would drink bacon flavored vodka. That stuff is sooo nasty!! I am a purist! I don't even drink Kahlua. I didn't spend the night because Rod was waiting at home for me. Linda did spend the night because she lives in Phoenix.

Betty said...

I didn't even know they made bacon flavored Vodka! I'd probably skip too. Looks like a fun evening was had by all.

Judie said...

Betty, I think that it was a very poor idea on the part of the distillery to create something so disgusting! Still, someone DID buy a bottle!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

So, I want to come and play next year!

I would be honored if you used one of my photos for the basis of a painting...



Judie said...

Thanks, R!! I'll let you know which one I choose! And you CAN come and play next year! We're fun to visit, us Girls!!!

bluzdude said...

Glad you crazy broads had fun!

For the record, I don't think I'd like the bacon vodka either. This Christmas's Bacon Toothpaste experiment was a dismal failure. As much as I love bacon, I think I'll stick with bacon-flavored bacon.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, you had tons more fun on New Year's Eve than I did watching a hockey game on TV! Girls' Night Out is a GREAT alternative. :))

Vicki/Jake said...

Ah, I miss girlie nights out :( So fun to see you having one BUT, Vodka that tastes like bacon..WTF??? gagus bigtime! Ok, nuff of that. Have a wonderfilled 2012 my AZ friend. Maybe I'll make it down that way sometime this year........

Pondside said...

Bacon vodka - the stomach ROILS! Many terrible things are visited on a perfectly good bottle of vodka, but this has to be the worst I've heard so far!
I'm dying to know about the game - we love games....I promise not to make money, pass it on, otherwise profit from it!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

what a festive one, well done.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating with your BFF's, Judie! I don't think I'd like bacon flavored vodka either will they think of next?

Cher Duncombe said...

Looks like such a fun night, Judie, and you look gorgeous! You go girl!

Annesphamily said...

You have some interesting friends! Bacon flavored vodka! Ugh! I would surely die! Grey Goose please! LOL!
It appears you had way too much fun! But that is always the best and I like the chair (Frieda Kalo). What a superb talented woman! You are always great fun Judie! Hugs Anne

Damon said...

greeeat post amazing blog =)

Pat said...

Once I got pass the idea of Bacon flavored vodka, I really had a good time reading about your fun evening...
Being with good friends where you can let your hair down is just the best time ever...just be sure to bring extra underwear!! LOL

That chair is so fabulous!

ChrisJ said...

Hmm - bacon flavoured vodka might be even worse than turkey flavoured ice cream!

anitamombanita said...

blech double blech pretty well describes how bacon flavored vodka sounds to me too...ugh... but sounds you like you had a fabulous time, so good on ya!! Happy New Year!

Francisca said...

Before I forget... great music! That sounds like my kind of evening, Judie. Good friends, games and singing, lots of warmth and laughter, great food. I'd do vodka, but bacon? Yikes! Wish you a glorious New Year!

Leovi said...

Some very funny photos, I see that you passed it, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2012.

Lola said...

Think I'd prefer the Kahlúa to the bacon vodka too!

A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

Great post – as always!

XOXO Lola & Nora:)

Gattina said...

That's a very good idea ! I did this two years ago, because my adventurous Italian husband became a couch potatoe. Last year I was sick and this year I had invited my friends home we had a lot of fun and the couch potatoe who wanted to go to bed, stayed with us and had fun too, lol !

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo!!! It looked like 'girls game night' was a grand success!!! Those fabulous pics truly do tell the story. What a fun time!

God bless ya and have an awesome day sweetie!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful evening! The fondue sounds great! I have't had one in so long. The lantern lighting sounds like fun too.

Unknown said...

Looks like my kind of fun! LOL.... minus that bacon vodka, not my style either... blech:-)

Steph said...

Sounds and looks like y'all had a great time. It's so fun when "girls" can get together. We lit lanterns and let the float away when we lived in Thailand. The sky full of them was beautiful during Loi Krathong.

Wanda said...

What a great way to ring in the New Year. I bet you smile a little bit every time you think of it!

Brenda said...

Looks like great fun. Just got together with my Best Friends last night to have our Dec. birthday and Christmas gathering. My best friend and I both have Dec. birthdays so we got double gifts teehee. We are all crafters, sewers ect. and mostly give hand made gifts as you saw what I gave on my post. I received a pair of knitted mittens and slippers along with some other goodies. We met at a Mexican diner which is 1/2 way between their homes and mine. I moved over an hour away. Stayed a very long time after eating with only one beer each. Surprised they did not give us the toss. On a side note I was very surprised how much all my grands liked their afghans I made each of them this past year. So yes you may have to start some hand made gifts for your grands.

Splendid Little Stars said...

It's good to know that you didn't sit on Frida Kalo! sheew!
Girls' Game Night sounds like a blast! I play Bunko once a month with women in my neighborhood. I'm also in a game group with 4 other couples. fun and laughter--that's the ticket!
Thank you for your very complimentary comment on my blog post!! I very much appreciate it! ♥

Judie said...

Well, I have a very wild Bunco group as well! Each month the hostess provides dinner for 16 screaming women! We always have a great time! I am frequently asked if there is any room in OUR group, because the other Bunco groups just don't compare with ours!

Judie said...

Well, I have a very wild Bunco group as well! Each month the hostess provides dinner for 16 screaming women! We always have a great time! I am frequently asked if there is any room in OUR group, because the other Bunco groups just don't compare with ours!

marina said...

what a fun post! love the doggies.

Magyar said...

__Nearly a week ago now... only 51 weeks left, and we can stay home again... quietly watching the new year's invasion. Oh, 'tis a special night for Kathy and I, and our 'pond' friends... just we and a late meal with its traded good wishes!
__Once... we spent the eves in Boston
as part or "The First Night" (?) activities... then we decided it was actually "The Last Night" celebration
best spent quietly, we friends, we enter and feel the "First Morning" without the pushing lack civility.
__As did you... time, best spent with friends.
__I truely thank you, Judie... as does Kathy, your kind comment! _m

Ames said...

You do know how to have fun Judie. Wish I could have been there.~Ames

The Poet said...

Hello Judie. Happy New Year!
Looks like you girls had a wonderful time. It's good to laugh & celebrate life. I'm not much of a drinker, so I'd have to pass on the vodka...bacon flavored or not...yuck!
Nice photos.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment too.

Golden Footprints

Jenny said...

You are just a fun lady, Miss Judie!

I love how you heralded in the New Year!

Such a Grand link for the letter "G".


Unknown said...

You definitely looked like you had a great New Year's Eve :) What a great group of friends to spend your holiday with too! Hope you are having a great new year!

(Sorry for such a late comment. I'm slowly getting back into the habit of being in the blogging world again)