Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To "Kindle" A Fire In My Heart!

The Rogue Speaks:

Jenny has given us an easy lesson for this week about the new year that is almost upon us. I am resolving to read more during the winter. I am usually so busy during the fall and winter that I don't have much time to sit down and read a good book. I try to make up for that in the summer, as witnessed by my reading list on the left-hand side of my blog. That has changed! I got a great new toy for Christmas! A Kindle! It was given to me by Rod's daughter, Allison! I was overwhelmed! As soon as Keil set it up for me, I was off to download books from, including one really low-priced one (.99) about where to download FREE books!

I have already read one of the books I downloaded. It is by Pat Conroy, one of my and Rod's favorite authors. Everyone who loves to write should read "My Reading Life." It is like a book list of all Pat's favorite books, and a list of his favorite people. It is also a book about how to be a better writer. I really need that part in a bad way, so I devoured Pat's book in two sittings!

The most important element in Pat's book is how a love of reading, instilled in him by his mother, helped ease the hurt in his life from having an abusive parent, his father.

Actually Pat and I have a lot in common. He was born in Atlanta--so was I. He suffered from child abuse--so did I. He has been married three times--so have I. His current marriage is wonderful--so is mine. He has published ten books-- so... oops! I guess that's where the similarities end! The only thing I publish are posts!!

The first of his books that gained notoriety is "The Water is Wide." This book tells the story of his teaching assignment on Daufausky Island, on the Carolina coast, and how he was fired from that job for his unconventional teaching practices. He won a humanitarian award from the National Education Association for that book. It was also made into a movie, "Conrack," and if you haven't seen it, well you just should!!

His novel, "The Great Santini," was also made into a movie. The main character in this one is based on his father, who ruled with a military hand, and lots of general meanness!!

The book most people know Pat for is "The Prince of Tides," which was ALSO made into a movie starring Nick Nolte, Barbra Streisand, and Blythe Danner. I have no idea just how many times I have read that book, or seen the movie, for that matter. Whenever Rod is channel-surfing and happens to find it playing, he stops what he is doing to watch it again. He claims he has never seen it all the way through, but that is just a ruse to watch it again.

Pat lives on Fripp Island, very near to where my favorite cousin has a home on Harbor Island. The next vacation we take (now that I have a Kindle) will be to visit her, and I just might go knock on Pat's door. Oh, yeah! You are all laughing at that! Uh huh! But I actually have an "in!!!" Yes, I do!! Pat worships Thomas Wolfe! He probably knows more about Thomas Wolf than anyone, and that is the truth. If he could, he would like to come back as Thomas Wolfe in another life! I happen to have two things that Pat would love to see--I have a picture of the boarding house in Asheville, N. Carolina that was owned by Tom's mother, and where Tom lived as a child. The picture is VERY old!! Some of the boarders are lounging around on the porch and front yard, even!! AND I have a letter that was written by Tom to one of his family members. Well, do you think that will let me in the door???

"Show us!" you are all saying. You want me to show you that picture! You want me to post it on my blog! O.k., well, I would do that, and I WILL do that just as soon as I can find it in my studio. You see, several months ago I was FORCED to do some serious cleaning in my studio in order to make room for a bed for guests, since Keil was sleeping in our guest bedroom. I worked really hard on that project. I worked so hard that I cannot remember just what box that photo is in. BUT I will find it withing the next few days, and attach it to this post so you will know that I am not full of bull baloney, if there is such a thing.

While you are waiting to see that picture of Julia Wolfe's boarding house, please read "My Reading Life." You will really be glad that you did!!


Sarah said...

My comment disappeared! Darn Blogspot!! I got a Kindle for Christmas too! Now I know which author to start. Now where do I go to download free books again?

Judie said...

Sarah, Pat's book, unfortunately, is not free, but it only costs $9 on Amazon. "Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them" can be bought for 99 cents so that one is almost free.

Cher Duncombe said...

Oh Judie, I can't believe you wrote about Pat Conroy! He has become one of my favorite authors. Have you read South of Broad? I loaned it to several people whom I thought would enjoy it, with the proviso that they return it. I didn't want to let him go! Now we have plans to visit Charleston one day soon based on his writing. Now that you have a Kindle, I would highly recommend it. Enjoy, my friend. This post was a delicious find!

Judie said...

Cher, we have read everything Pat has written except his cook book. I am afraid to read that because look what cooking did to him! I have enough food issues as it is. Thanks for the nice comment, my sister!!

Joann Mannix said...

Hello Friend,

See, here's another thing we have in common. Actually, two things in one post. Oh my gosh, Pat Conroy, his words just rise off the page for me. He is just absolute splendor. And "Prince Of Tides" both movie and book are one of my very favorite things in life. When I finished reading that book, I kissed it. I am not kidding you. I'm going to upload this on my iPad today. When I'll be able to read it, I have no idea. But I'll feel great, knowing it's there waiting.

Also, the other thing we have in common is our ability to put something in such a safe and secure place, we can't remember where we put it. 2 times this week, it's happened to me. Drives me crazy!

Thanks for the recommendation. I know it will always be a good read coming from you.

Have Myelin? said...

I got a Kindle for Christmas too! Love it!!!

Judie said...

Hey! Don't forget to read my movie reviews! Rod and I have started going to movies again after a long hiatus. We may see another one on New Year's Eve, if it doesn't SNOW!! It is supposed to 21 degrees for a low on New Year's Eve!!

Ingrid said...

A few months ago I didn't even know ebook readers ! I heard the word Kindle for the first time and Google explained to me what it was. When I asked here in a specialized shop, they looked at me as if I was ET !
There are ebook readers but very expensive and the choice of books is very limited at least in french.
I suppose it will become more commun next year.
I can only read in my bed, in the garden or at the beach. No way to sit down and read a book, can't concentrate, lol !

Susan Anderson said...

I LOVE my Kindle. And I have enjoyed most of Pat Conroy's work, most notably, "Beach Music."


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

awesome information...
gifts of materials don't matter much, it is the thoughtfulness that counts.

Happy New Year.

mrs. c said...

I too am a big Pat Conroy fan! We went to Buford S.C. because The Great Santini was filmed there. Pat is also an accomplished chef and cooking is a favorite hobby of mine. I have an ibook so I need to learn about how to download cheap and free books to read on it. Have a happy new year!

Pondside said...

That is the only Pat Conroy book I haven't read (well, I haven't read thea cookbook...)
I am wavering on the Kindle - can't decide if I want one or not but can see how great it would be for traveling.

Jackie said...

Hi Judie and Happy New Year! You are the second person I know who got a kindle for christmas ! I hope it allows you to read a lot more cause I like to read especially to my children when I had them . It sounds like a wonderful resolution .

TJ Lubrano said...

Ooh I like the movie reviews!! And I love to read, but not sure if I would do it on a Kindle. I spend so many hours behind a screen, that a 'real' book is nice. Is it the same as PC screen though?

Happy New Year Judie! May it be filled with awesome creative and fun things!!

Cya in 2011!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love Pat Conroy and The Reading Life sounds intriguing. I'm getting it to read.

Oh my, about Colin Firth, I love him in romantic movies too. Pride and Prejudice is my absolute favorite movie.


Wysteria said...

I have vowed to read more this year too. Had a lot of things going on and found it hard to concentrate this past year. I am going to look for Conroy's book. I am starting to read some of the classics I haven't read in awhile.

Love the pics and things on your site.

Have a great New Year and all the best


nothingprofound said...

"Conrack" was a wonderful movie. Jon Voight did a great job in the main role. Judie-wishing you and yours the merriest of merry New Years and health and happiness in the year(s) ahead.

JJ said...

Happy New Year !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a Kindle for my bday in two weeks...can't wait...
Thanks for the movie reviews...I love Colin Firth...he gave B Jones Diary some class...I watch it every time it comes on cable :)
I still chuckle every time I see Keillor on your sidebar {{{finding something beneath the suds}}} so funny :)
Happy New Year Hugs

Anonymous said...

I still like to have a real good book in my hands to read. Screens tired me a bit.
The best in happiness, health and abundance for you and your family in 2011!

Amylynn said...

All you Kindle naysayers, I am a serious book fan and reader - and I thought I'd hate a Kindle. Turns out I love it. It doesn't stop me from buying books, but I can take so many more with me for such a cheaper price - you'll find out you love it too.
Amylynn - The Quill Sisters

Anonymous said...

I also have a Kindle and absolutely love it. I read voraciously bit have never come across Pat Conroy. as soon as I have finished catching up commenting on all my favourite blogs (I have been deluged with Christmas visitors for over 2 weeks), I shall go to Amazon and download some Conroy! How exciting to be recommended a new author - gosh I LOVE my blogging networks!