The Rogue Speaks:
My friend, Cher Duncombe, sister of my heart, blogger-extraordinaire, who, along with her husband Rich, writes AskCherlock, has been invited here today to talk to you, all my blogging friends, about a most important charity event. Cher is one of the most compassionate and loving individuals I know. She is so tender-hearted that she cries at Halmark commercials.
I hope that you will take some time, and read her post here, and give serious consideration to donating even $1 to this most important international charity event. Thanks bloggers! Now here's Cher:
International Day of Compassion in Honor of Dr. Patch Adams
On May 15, 2011 Bloggers Unite is honoring Dr. Patch Adams by uniting Bloggers everywhere to help Dr. Patch Adams build the hospital of his dreams. The event is called International Day of Compassion in Honor of Dr. Patch Adams. This is an event to celebrate this man of compassion and joy whose journey as a doctor has lead to healing which, along with treatment, also embodies love, compassion, hope, laughter, hugs, clowning and yes, joy. Dr. Patch Adams is a shining light in the world of people who are ill and often can see nothing but darkness. He has learned, and now teaches us that compassion, love and laughter are often the best prescriptions to help in any healing process. Bloggers— unite, and join us in this celebration of Dr. Patch Adams. We are looking for donations to help Dr. Adams build a hospital, the foundation of which will be compassion for every person who enters. What can you do?
JOIN BLOGGERS UNITE, sign up for this event, post an article, and request donations through the link to Dr. Adams. Also get a badge to put on your blog and do what bloggers do best: make the world a healthier, happier, place by supporting an effort such as this. Dr. Patch Adams offers sentiments from which all of us can benefit. If you had a family member who was ill, what better care could you want than to have people trained by Dr. Patch Adams?

Please join us at Bloggers Unite today, and prepare to participate in this event on May15th. You may also go to http://www.patchadams.org/ to read more about Patch, his compassionate works. To donate, please visit: Patch Adams
Grab this badge to post on your blog:

Some people make this a better world by being selfless, kind, and offering love and compassion. What better cause to which we could donate?
Cher Duncombe, AskCherlock.com
What a wonderful post, Judie! And what an extraordinary man!
Thanks for sending the link. Do we need to simply post about the charity event? Or does there need to be more?
I was surprised that I had not heard of Dr. Patch and found out that he was portrayed in a movie by Robin Williams. The movie was titled “Patch” and for some reason I had not seen the movie. So I thought I’d go and find out what Dr. Patch was all about. I was surprised with what I found out.
According to Wikipedia, Dr. Patch Adams founded a project called the Gesundheit! Institute. The goal of the Institute is to integrate a traditional hospital with alternative medicine such as naturopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy. Care combines integrative medicine with performing arts, crafts, nature, agriculture, and recreation. One of the continued missions of the Gesundheit! Institute involves the concept of "humanitarian clowning". Adams wants the Gesundheit! Institute to open a 40-bed hospital in rural West Virginia that offers free, holistic care to anyone who wants it.
If I were sick this would be the hospital for me! Dr Patch sounds like a very compassionate doctor that has poured his life work and his heart into a very worthy cause. With millions of people going without medical care, this sounds like a worthy charity. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and thanks for sharing this everyone Judie!~Ames
This is a great cause. I visited the site and posted the badge on my blog. Thanks for making me aware of this fundraiser. I will pass the word.
My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog
Thanks for posting this Judie. A Wonderful celebration of compassion...
This is a wonderful post, Judie, and I'm wishing it to be a great success.
Thanks for the heads up!! I remember hearing about him when the movie of his life came out.
Great informative post, I loved the "true story"-"Patch".What a wonderful big hearted Doctor.I pray for a great success.
Lazy on Loblolly
awesome information.
Wonderful idea ~ thanks so much for sharing this with me ^_^
Such a wonderful gesture on your part Judie. I'm all over this...and what a wonderful way to start the musical part of my day...Eva and Over the Rainbow...I love Eva and am always game to hop the rainbow...Peace and blessings to you my friend
Judie, people can visit Patch's site at http://www.patchadams.org/
While we would love bloggers to sign up for Bloggers Unite for this event and put the badge on their blog, it is far more important that people know about Patch's plans for the Gesundheit!Institute and how he helps all---for free. He also works around the globe. There is a donate button on Patch's site and they also sell scrubs at scrubnuts which you can see on his site. All proceeds go to Patch's efforts, which are also global.
Here is a link to a heart-wrenching video of Patch in Kabul. If you can watch this without being moved to tears, I would be amazed---but it is not for the faint of heart.
Patch and I are presently working on an interview which should be up within the next week. What an honor it is to deal with this wonderful man.
Hugs to you, Judie, my dear sister and to all of you who are so compassionate in spirit.
Thanks for sharing this, Judie. I remember Patch Adams from the movie, and this is a wonderful cause. I'll go check it out.
He is one of the world's unsung heros ... he has made a huge impact on patient care ... what a lovely soul!
It's good to know that Patch is not just a movie... Well done!
Wonderful subject. He is a truly great man.
One of my favorite movies. I was very sad to find out online that he still didn't have a hospital of his own. Your compassion is admirable.
A beautiful man, and a beautiful cause!
I did see the movie and knew Patch was a real person. But I learned even more about this man by reading your blog. The "dream hospital" actually sounds like fun!
What an incredible cause and a true-hearted man. Thank-you for posting this. As soon as I am on a real computer, I will visit. Judie, you are the bestest for sharing your wonderful friends. :-)
Awesome post, Judie!
Thanks for sharing this link. I saw the movie too. And I loved watching and listening to him speak on his site. What an inspiration!
Blessings & Aloha!
I'm a little late on reading this post....but I'm glad I still stopped by and read it. I believe there was a movie that was made that was based on his life, wasn't it? The one with Robin Williams? I think it was called "Patch Adams". Good movie. I will definitely be donating to this cause. Thanks for sharing such a great message!
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