Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Monday, April 25, 2011


The Rogue Speaks:

'Tis the day after Easter, and all through the den,
The dog-candy wrappers are hemming me in!
The dogs, they are lying like two lumps of clay.
I know they’ll be snoozing the morning away.
So stuffed to the gills from their quick Sunday raid
Of all the dog-treats we so carefully laid
In small secret places all over the house,
Tiptoeing quietly, just like a mouse!
I know I must teach them on using the broom
To clean up the mess they have left in this room!!!


Donna Volkenannt said...

Cute poem. Love all your photos.
Donna v.

Life in Rehab said...

Bwahahahahahaha! You hide treats for the pups! Judie, that's priceless and definitely made my day. Fabulous poem.

Anonymous said... it :D

Cher Duncombe said...

Love it, Judie! I was up all night writing so still have dishes to load into the dishwasher. Third load! It was worth it, and as I wrote, I raided the fridge. :)

Pat said...

Too funny! You are such a caring pooch mistress.
Better hadn't let our 3 see this - they will be put out with me for only cooking Easter dinner for our guests! said...

Your doggies don't know how good they have it. Or perhaps they do. Very cute, Judie.

Ames said...

How cute! I guess we should have done something special for the girls. They did get their Easter dinner and they had a ball out side during the Easter egg hunt. They were all smiles!~Ames

One of The Guys said...

Very cute poem. We're joining the dog owner world in two weeks. I fought it for a while-three kids is enough-but now I'm really looking forward to it.

I'll send you the link for an article I wrote about it.

Happy belated Easter. Take Care.

THE SNEE said...

What? No peeps for the pups? PAPA would be proud!

Susan Anderson said...

Love your poetic post-mortem of the Easter festivities! (And I love the music, too.)


Magyar said...

The dog with his broom
Cleans the floor of his room
Crawling as low as he can
It's Jack, the Afghan!

Love your verse... smiles! _m

dianesartnow said...

Still laughing and thinking about you hiding the dog treats! HAHAHAHHAHAH

Anonymous said...

JDaniel could teach them to sweep. He loves to help with the broom.


We have a Beagle...or rather the Beagle owns us. She does not clean her room, space, or her Charlie Brown house outside. We do not hide her treats.
She repays our hospitality by using our backyard as her personal toilette and lounge. Be all that as it may, and it is...she does not demonstrate any interest in the broom except gnawing on it, and dragging it around to demonstrate once again that they are a little lower than cats in the scale of God's attempt to create the perfect animal. You do "whatever"
very well indeed and deserve that lovely award.

Judie said...

Thanks, H. It really is a lovely award, and I am honored!

Jo said...

oh ... this is just the cutest! It would be a blast to do a doggie "egg" hunt!!!

21 Wits said...

Oh such merry dogs you have! I really needed a lift of something bright and witty! Thanks so much Judie!

Sarah said...

I didn't have time to eat my chocolates, let along celebrating Easter. Been moving small boxes and cleaning, and more boxes and cleaning everyday. I'm tired...

Angelia Sims said...

Hahahaha! That is so stinkin' cute! Oh my gravy! I will have to plan a hunt next year for the fur-kids!
You are too funny and too talented!
I hope you found a doggie broom for their paws. :-) Happy belated Easter!
I was thinking of you yesterday when I spotted the FIRST moonflower bloom of the year. It should be out tonight. OF COURSE, it came up in the yard. LOL.

Jenny said...

Judie, I love this! Such a clever and fun post! Thanks for sharing this smile with me on an icky, ucky Tuesday afternoon!