Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Jekyll Island Beach 2012

Saturday, August 20, 2011


The Rogue Speaks:

Three sisters, Miande, Andide, and Calunta Prush, sat on the porch swing together, on a warm summer evening. The unistala vine was in full bloom, and its heady fragrance was all around them.

Miande, the eldest of the sisters, was an impholog, and her vast knowledge of adjectives and adverbs was sometimes an annoyance to the two younger girls.

"Miande, I think you make some of those words up!" Andide, the middle sister, cried, the dratoi in her voice filled with a sense of chize.

Calunta, the mulgrist in the family, sat quietly by while her two older sisters bantered back and forth in ablanic fervor. She was by far the most suctione of the three, taking in the conversation with an amused half-smile.

"If I die young, it's on you!!" said Miande with a look of unceo accusa, "I'll have my words!!"

"Girls!" their mother called, "Dinner! Nishies, with a salad of fresh sapparb!!

Right about now, you just may be heading for the dictionary, because there are some strange and unknown words in my Saturday Centus. Save your steps! For a long time now I have wanted to do something interesting with the Word Verification we have all come to know and love. I made a little collection of them and have sprinkled a few throughout my Centus! I hope you have enjoyed it!!!


Ames said...

Love your offering this week Judie, and yes I was reaching for the dictionary before I got to the part where you revealed they were actually word verification words.

What is the purpose of those dreaded word verifications anyway? I have written comments and had them never post because I didn't realize about the word verification until the last second when it was too late. It actually just happened to me here...this is my second attempt to post a comment and I know you have word verification on your blog. :( said...

At last, someone has done something useful with those stupid words! This was a ton of fun, Judie! Loved it.

Daydreamer said...

LOL I often chuckle at the words they produce.
Great centus, now it makes sense, kinda!

cj Schlottman said...

Genius! I was, indeed, going to the dictionary before commenting. This is great fun, and soooo you, Judie!


Dazee Dreamer said...

You nutbutt. That was such a clever way of using those stupid freaking word verifications.

To say I loved this is an understatement.

Tgoette said...

That was awesome Judie! I love your use of the word verification words too! They can be hysterical at times and your collection was wonderful here! Brilliant!

moondustwriter said...

"if words could kill..." they would have in the next 150

nice piece

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

clever post I actually thought those were real words and was kind of feeling dumb as I struggled with your post.

Jo said...

oh damn that was brilliant ... and hear i thought that i was daft!!! well okay, i still might be daft, but i love what you did with the word verification words!!!

by the way my word verification word on this post was wortspub! sounds useable!

Susan Anderson said...

Actually, I didn't only enjoy it, I loved it!


Karen S. said...

Oh Judie this is just too cool!...funny you mention dictionary cuz that was a thought....but ha ha ha that is a wonderful flow of fine writing and something useful for those strange words we see far too much! Great Centus!

Gems said...

Your chosen words work so well in context...I actually understood them...of sorts because my brian did that 'reader' thing and made sense of them. Use them often enough in the same context and you wil have created a whole new language only us SC peeps will understand!!!!
Great post!
Gems xxx

bluzdude said...

And here I thought you were mining an unpublished Harry Potter book for the strange terminology.

Son now I know that the Verification Words are good for something.

Nonna said...

Hahahahaha !

The 'Gotcha' behind your Centus floored funny Judie... there is a lot of brilliance going on in that barren go girl !!!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Ha, ha, ha! I WAS ready to go get the dictationary, but the more I read, the more overwhelmed I became. I was so relieved to learn that they were those horrible WV words instead of displaying my ignorance by having to leave a comment that I had no idea what you were talking about! Loved it! laurie

lissa said...

I did try looking up some of the words before I noticed your note below it. I've tried writing like this before. it's a curious thing- language - you think you know what something means and then you realize you're wrong.

fun story!

Rek Sesh said...

Fun was an understatement...a work of a genius no doubt.

Jenny said...

You nut! I was actually just opening google to figure out why I had gotten so dumb! Loved this!

I kept thinking...this isn't sci-fi...this isn't...what the heck are these words!

Thanks for the laugh!

You are, as always, brilliant and hilarious.